Content Development

Courseware interactivities are typically categorised using the Guerra Scale of Interactivity (G Scale). There are 4 levels in the scale, as shown in the diagram below. With the experience acquired across the years, Kydon’s DNA informs us that all courseware is unique, just like our learners. Therefore, to identify the level that works best for client’s content during the consultancy stage, our team work closely with the client to understand the client’s learners’ profile, the knowledge gap, and the client’s learning strategy before making any proposal based on sound pedagogical principles.

To further enhance the quality of our services, we have coined the term Level 2.5 in G Scale to serve our clients even better – as Level 2 and Level 3 could either provides too little interactivity or brings unnecessary interactivity to the client’s training content. This extension in the scale allows us to provide client-friendly service as it is tailored to client’s content requirements, budget constraints etc.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is an immersive technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a rich composite view objects that exist in the real-world are augmented by virtual objects or supplement with information. AR can be used to enhance the learning experience of students by providing them with an immersive and engaging environment.

Virtual Reality

Kydon is a VR solutions provider that focuses on education and training. We provide our clients with tailor-made VR solutions that helps to increase engagement and improve retention among learners. We have years of experience in the field of VR development, and we are dedicated to provide our clients with the best possible solutions.

Gamified e-Learning

Kydon is constantly on the lookout for emerging technology that is useful for teaching and learning. Some of the emerging technology that we have begun piloting with our clients include the use of Chatbots. Humans are social creatures they need to interact with each other to gain insights or knowledge.

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