A well-designed learning management system is a cornerstone to managing, delivering and measuring your organisation’s learning and development efforts. Whether it is to easily execute critical training functions such as employee induction, compliance training or sales enablement, automating course recommendations or for certification management, the right LMS will power up learning in your organisation.

To stay ahead of the curve, learning strategies need smart, user-friendly solutions that can be tailored to support evolving learner and organisational needs, be it to bolster learner engagement, boost productivity and performance or promote continuous learning.

At Kydon, understanding client requirements are at the core of our solution design and delivery philosophy. Whether it is an LMS with a standard features list or more personalised solutions such as enabling experiential or social learning, we ensure that your organisation is equipped with the most appropriate, customised tools for learning success.

Flagship solution: Pencil

Pencil is built with the most stringent requirements for learning environments. As a fully-featured enterprise-level LMS, it is designed with a modular and scalable architecture. This means Pencil continues to grow with you as you grow your user base.

Pencil comes with tools to help you build courses, arrange learning content, create learning paths and deploy learning resources and activities. The platform also comes with social learning features, allowing users to create learning communities, form study groups, share information and collaborate with fellow learners.

Pencil is web responsive and supports SaaS and on-premise implementation. On target are plans to support offline and mobile usage so learning is always available for users.

Clients love us for the strong and dedicated technical support we provide. Be it in troubleshooting, security or upgrades, we are always there to support you in your learning transformation initiative. 

Your Trusted Moodle Solutions Provider

Moodle is one of the most widely used Learning Management Systems (LMS) in the world, providing users with a powerful set of robust, secure learner-centric tools and collaborative learning environments that take training and learning to the next level. This open-source software can be adapted for use by a wide range of organisations and institutions, in partnership with a knowledgeable Moodle Solutions Provider.

Our developers understand Moodle technology, features and intent like no other. We are well versed with its strengths and limitations. Working with our clients’ requirements, we have produced the most suitable modules and processes to meet their LMS needs. With our sterling record in creating large-scale customised Moodle projects, you are in safe hands when you commission us to be a Moodle Solutions Provider for your LMS.